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Business Hours
  • Packed with love
  • Fast shipping in the Red Envelope
  • Service with a smile
  • Sampler Style Cross Stitch

Opening Hours

The webshop is ALWAYS open! So you can place your order at any time (except during holidays).

Soed Idee can be reached by phone on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between 11:00 AM and 4:30 PM. You can contact us on these days at +31 578-720010. If it’s very busy, we may not always be able to answer the phone. In that case, please leave a voicemail so we can call you back or send your question via email. You can also reach us via WhatsApp at the same number: +31 578-720010.

We are closed on Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays. You can still place orders in the webshop, but we won’t be answering phone calls, social media messages, or emails during these times.

Soed Idee can be reached via WhatsApp from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on telephone number 0578-720010.

The webshop is ALWAYS open!

I'm going to Nashville from March 4 to March 11. 

The webshop remains open, but orders will be shipped again from March 13.
